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Carlos Perez, CIM

Senior Global Wealth Advisor, Portfolio Manager

Carlos Perez

Carlos has been in financial services since 2000. As an Associate Portfolio Manager, he is known for his investment expertise, global perspective and wealth planning approach.  He is a committed relationship builder who enjoys working with clients and their families looking for sound advice and disciplined implementation.

Clients value the tailored insights he brings to their situation, his focus on staying abreast of market trends and his ability to engage a team of specialists to help deliver integrated solutions.

Strategic by nature, Carlos prides himself on taking the time to understand what matters most to clients- assisting them in identifying gaps and opportunities to help chart their future. Carlos and his team remain actively involved with their clients to help ensure their portfolio and their plan remains on track as their circumstances evolve.

Carlos has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Calgary, holds the CIM® designation and is fluent in English and Spanish.


International Investment Advisory, Scotia Capital Inc.